Every Sunday from 10:45 - 11:30 a.m.

Faith Formation Hour 

Adult Faith Formation Classes

  • In The News

    Sundays at 10:45 a.m. in the Prayer Room and on Zoom.

    Led by Rev. Jane Deford this class is a topical study we generally read a relevant article or story and discuss in a single session. Upon occasion, this group will focus on another topic, often at the request of those attending the class, wanting to extend the study for added discussion or perhaps the group has discovered a link to another topic that they would like shared. This class is perfect for inquisitive CPC'ers who enjoy extending their knowledge in multiple directions.

    This class can also be joined on Zoom.

  • Reading the Bible Together

    Sundays at 11 a.m. | Meets in Room 120 and on Zoom

    Join us as we read each book of the Bible together. This course is led each week by a class volunteer who reviews commentary in advance and guides us through the reading and facilitates discussion of the text. Come join us as we seek to gain a deeper appreciation of God’s plan of salvation through the timeless teachings of these scriptures. All are welcome, both in-person or virtually by Zoom link.

    Join this class in person or on Zoom.

    Contact this class

  • Great Courses

    Sundays at 6:30 p.m. via Zoom

    Join us as we continue with our video lecture series from the Great Courses Company. This fall we are watching "The History of Christianity II: From the Reformation to the Modern Megachurch," by Molly Worthan, Ph.D. of the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.  These 36 lectures explore the complex journey of the Christian faith from the turn of the 16th century to the modern and global present day. Each half hour lecture is followed by a group discussion. Each lecture can be appreciated without the context of the other lectures. All are welcome. 

    This class takes place on Zoom.

    Contact This Class

Kids & Youth Classes

  • Nursery

    For our littlest (0-4) we offer continued Nursery care throughout Faith Formation Hour. Little ones can be checked into the Nursery at any point during Sunday Worship, or just for Faith Formation Hour.

  • Elementary Ages

    We have two Elementary aged Faith Formation Classes. One for K-2 and one for 3rd-5th graders. Both classes will have fun playing games, talking about the week's lesson, and spending time with friends.

  • Middle School

    Our 6th-8th graders will spend Faith Formation Hour going through "Echo the Story" They will examine different stories from the Hebrew Scriptures, beginning with Creation and continuing through King David. This promises to be a fun and energetic time!

  • High School

    For our 9th-12th graders we will offer a Confirmation Class. This class is meant to prepare students to join Central Presbyterian Church. There will be a confirmation Parent/Youth meeting on September 15. The class will meet twice a month from September to May. On Sundays, when we don’t have confirmation, we will still get together for a lively discussion and a chance to catch up with our friends. We will be reflecting on video-led discussions and enjoying time together. Registration for Confirmation Class is required and can be done by clicking here.