Central Pastoral Team

  • Rev. Joshua Gill

    Email: pastor@cpcdowningtown.org

    Joshua (Josh) Gill grew up in Lockport, NY (Western NY). His family has Catholic and Methodist roots, but he was raised in the American Baptist Church. During his middle school years, Josh took a life-changing, week-long service trip to the “Pittsburgh Project” where he helped rehab homes and developed a clear vision of how the Church and Christian community could be a positive force for good. He felt a strong calling to Youth Ministry from a young age, which was deepened through his experience at Pittsburgh Project.

    Josh felt God calling him to follow his passion for the Church by studying Youth Ministry at Eastern University. Following school, Josh worked as a Youth Director for 12 years.

    While in that role, Josh met and married his wife, Vicki, and he also felt God calling him to further his training. He earned his M.S. in Nonprofit Management, followed by a master’s degree in Divinity. Josh was ordained at Covenant Presbyterian Church in May 2013.

    God placed a new calling on Josh’s life in 2014, and he was called to Doylestown Presbyterian Church (DPC) as the Pastor of Youth and Their Families.

    Josh began searching for a new call in 2019, and in the summer of 2020 left DPC and was called to Eastminster Presbyterian in York, PA, as their head of staff. He enjoyed weekly preaching and other pastoral responsibilities in the position.

    Josh and Vicki both know and love the Downingtown Community. They want very much to find a community where they can raise their three boys and help them to discover the faith that is so meaningful to them.

  • Debbie Gordon

    Congregational Care Provider

    Debbie received her Master of Divinity in 2019 from United Lutheran Seminary and completed a unit of Clinical Pastoral Education at Lankenau and Paoli Hospitals. She has been blessed with a marvelous family…a dear and precious husband of thirty years and four grown children, all of whom came up through the Downingtown schools. Her family, like so many, have seen such highs and such lows and it has been through the process of dealing with trials where she is continually striving to not focus on problems but rather "glance at problems and gaze at God.” Really gaze at God. Debbie loves to meet the people of CPC, pray with them and pray for them. She has a “great desire to be used to bring honor and glory to God’s name” here at Central Presbyterian Church.

  • Stacey Sauchuk

    Operations Manager
    Email: ssauchuk@cpcdowningtown.org

    Stacey moved to the Philadelphia area to attend Eastern College where she earned her Bachelor of Social Work degree. After Eastern, she went on to Temple University where she completed an M.Ed and Ph.D in School Psychology. She has spent the majority of her career in administrative roles in higher education including serving at the Valley Forge Military Academy and College in Wayne and the University of Valley Forge in Phoenixville.  She currently serves on the Board of Eastern University.  Stacey and her husband Sergio share their lives with their black lab, Phoebe, who runs the household.

Central Staff

  • Joana Alhalabi

    Temporary Childcare Worker

  • Alexandra Barainyak

    Director of Choirs

  • Pathman Carnation


  • Nancy Hilton

    Office Administrator
    Email: nhilton@cpcdowningtown.org

  • Nancy Kammerer

    Director of Praise Band
    Email: nkamm23@outlook.com

  • Kim Lyday

    Childcare Worker

  • Allison Munn


  • Frank Orzehoski

    Financial Administrator
    Email: finance@cpcdowningtown.org

  • Preetha Pathmanathan

    Preetha Pathmanathan

    Childcare Worker

  • Lainey Timmermon

    Communications Specialist
    Email: ltimmermon@cpcdowningtown.org

  • Stephen Whittam

    Soundboard Technician